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Zegar Gears


Our Center has the most modern technologies available in the world of dentistry. We are constantly developing and creating a place where our patients can be sure that they will receive the most comprehensive care. 

A man looks at the hologram of the jaw, 3D x-ray of the skull. Modern Dentistry, orthodontist


Our doctors during Diagnostic specialists complement the clinical examination by performing a CBCT dental tomography, perform a full radiological analysis and take photographs and digital scans in order to develop a virtual model showing exactly all possible problems and possible solutions.

Such modern and accurate diagnostics can be carried out thanks to the use of tools such as:

- Computed tomography

- software for the analysis of radiological and digital images - Diagnocat

- Software for creating a virtual patient card - SmileCloud

- Software for creating accurate treatment plans with visualization of problems and possible solutions - IQ Dental

- Software for designing prosthetic restorations and smile metamorphosis - SmileFy, Exocad

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